I-SEEED Publications
Publications by Antwi Akom, Jeff Duncan – Andrade, and Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales
Antwi Akom
Selected Publications
- Akom, A. A. & Noguera, P. (2013). Revolutionizing STEM Education: Towards a New Theory of Culturally and Community Responsive STEM Pedagogy. (in press)
- Akom A. A., Scott, A., Shah, A. (2013). Rethinking Resistance Theory through STEM Education: How Working Class Kids Get World Class Careers. (in press)
- Akom, A. A. (2011). Eco-Apartheid: Linking Environmental Health to Educational Outcomes. Teachers College Record, Vol 113 (4).
- Akom, A.A. (2009). “Research for Liberation: Du Bois, the Chicago School, and the Development of Black Emancipatory Action Research.” In N. S. Anderson and H. Kharem (Eds.), Education as a Practice of Freedom: African American Educational Thought and Ideology (193-212). New York: Lexington Press.
- Akom, A.A. (2009). “Critical Race Theory Meets Participatory Action Research: Creating a Community of Youth as Public Intellectuals” In W. Ayers, T. Quinn, & D. Stovall (Eds.), Social Justice in Education Handbook (508-521). New York: Erlbaum Press.
- Akom, A.A. (2009). “Critical Hip Hop Pedagogy as a Form of Liberatory Praxis.” Equity and Excellence in Education, 42:1, 56-66.
- Akom, A.A. (2008). “Reexamining Resistance as Oppositional Behavior: The Nation of Islam and the Creation of a Black Achievement Ideology.” In J. Ogbu and M. Ogbu (Eds.), Minority Status, Oppositional Culture and Academic Engagement (190-221). New York, NY: Routledge Press.
- Akom, A.A. (2008). “Ameritocracy and Infra-Racial Racism: Racializing Social and Cultural Reproduction Theory in the 21st Century.” Race and Ethnicity in Education. 11:3. 205-230.
- Akom, A.A. (2008). Towards an Eco-pedagogy: Urban Youth Creating Environmental Justice in the Toxic Triangle. Anthropology News, 49:8, 51.
- Akom, A.A. (2008) “Black Metropolis and Mental Life: Beyond The Burden of Acting White Towards a Third Wave in Critical Racial Studies.” Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 39:3, 247-265.
- Akom, A.A., Cammarota, J., Ginwright, S. (2008). “Youthtopias: Towards a New Paradigm of Critical Youth Studies.” Journal of Youth Media Studies/ Youth Media Reporter. August 15, 2008.
- Akom, A.A. (2007). “Cities as Battlefields: Understanding How the Nation of Islam Impacts Civic Engagement, Environmental Racism, and Community Development in a Low-Income Neighborhood.” International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. November 2007. 20:6, 711-730.
- Akom, A.A. (2007). Free Spaces: Excavating Race, Class, and Gender, Among Urban Schools and Communities.” International Journal for Qualitative Studies in Education. November 2007. 20:6, 611-619.
- Akom, A.A. (2006).“The Racial Dimensions of Social Capital: Towards a New Understanding of Youth Empowerment and Community Organizing in America’s Urban Core.” In S. Ginwright, P. Noguera, & J. X –
- Akom, A.A. (2003). “Reexamining Resistance as Oppositional Behavior: The Nation of Islam and the Creation of a Black Achievement Ideology.” Sociology of Education,76:4. 305-325.
- Akom, A.A. (2001). “Racial Profiling at School: The Politics of Race and Discipline at Berkeley High.” In W. Ayers, B. Dohrn, & R. Ayers(Eds.), Zero Tolerance: Resisting the Drive for Punishment in our Schools (51-64). New York, NY: New Press.
- Akom, A.A. (2000). “The House that Race Built: Some Observations of the use of the word Nigga, Popular Culture, and Urban Youth Culture.” In M. Fine & L. Weis (Eds.), Construction Sites: Excavating Race, Class, and Gender amongst Urban Youth (140-161). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
- Noguera, P. and Akom, A.A. (2000). Disparities Demystified: The Continuing Significance of Race in the Racial Achievement Gap.” The Nation, 5:2, 29-35.
- Akom, A.A (as Peter Keating). (1999). “The Color of Joy: Putting a Name on the Faces of Brett Cook-Dizney.” Blaze Magazine, 6:4, 92-96.
Jeff Duncan-Andrade
- Duncan-Andrade, J. & Morell, E (2010). The Art of Critical Pedagogy: Possibilities for Moving from Theory to Practice in Urban Schools. New York: Peter Lang
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2010). What a Coach Can Teach a Teacher. New York: Peter Lang
- Duncan‐Andrade, J. (2012). A Glass Half Full. Bankstreet, Occasional Papers, 27.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. M. (2011). The Principal Facts: New Directions for Teacher Education. Studying Diversity in Teacher Education, 309.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. M. (2009). Note to educators: Hope required when growing roses in concrete. Harvard Educational Review, 79(2), 181-194.
- Duncan‐Andrade, J. (2007). Gangstas, wankstas, and ridas: Defining, developing, and supporting effective teachers in urban schools. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 20(6), 617-638
Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2013) Kilusan 4 Kids: Critical Language for Elementary School Students. Vol. 1. San Francisco: San Francisco Unified School District.
Kilusan 4 Kids video:
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2009). Pin@y Educational Partnerships: A Filipina/o American Studies Sourcebook. Volume II: Filipina/o American Identities, Activism, and Service. Phoenix Publishing House International, Santa Clara, CA.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2007). Pin@y Educational Partnerships: A Filipina/o American Studies Sourcebook. Volume I: Philippine and Filipina/o American History. Phoenix Publishing House International, Santa Clara, CA.
Alt link:
Edited Books
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2010). Filipinos in San Francisco. Arcadia Publishing. San Francisco, CA.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2009). “Open the Light: Critical Performance Pedagogy.” In At 40: Asian American Studies at San Francisco State University. Published by San Francisco State University.
Selected Publications
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G., Kiang, P., and Museus, S. (2010). “Praxis and Power in the Intersections of Education.” In University of California, Los Angeles Press, AAPI Nexus, Vol. 8, No. 1.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G., Magbual-Daus, R., and Magbual-Daus, A. (2010) “Pin@y Educational Partnerships: A Counter-Pipeline to Create Critical Educators.” In University of California, Los Angeles Press, AAPI Nexus, Vol. 8, No. 1.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2009). “Filipino American Educational Experience.” In The Greenwood Encyclopedia for Asian American Issues.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G., Halagao, P., Cordova, J.M (2009). “Critical Review of Filipina/o American Curriculum.” In University of California, Los Angeles Press, AAPI Nexus, Vol. 7, No. 1.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. and Sacramento, J. (2009). “Practicing Pinayist Pedagogy.” In University of California, Los Angeles Press, Amerasia Journal.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2009). “Building a Community Center: Filipinas/os in the Excelsior Neighborhood of San Francisco.” In Negotiating Space: New Asian American Communities. Edited by Huping Ling, forthcoming Spring 2007.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2008). “Filipino American Students in San Francisco.” In The National Federation of Filipino American Associations’ report on Filipino American K-12 Public School Students.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2008). “Asian American Studies.” In the Encyclopedia of Race and Ethnicity. Sage Publishing.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2007). “Final Project Runway: In the I’s of Asian American Women.” In Gender Identity, Equity and Violence: Multidisciplinary Perspectives through Service Learning. Edited by Geraldine Stahly. Stylus Publishing.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. (2005). Pinayism. In Pinay Power: Peminist Critical Theory: Theorizing the Filipina/American Experiences. Eds de Jesus, M. L. Routledge: New York.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. “Struggling to Survive: Poverty, Violence, and Invisibility in the Lives of Urban Filipina/o American Youth.” The “Other” Students: Filipino Americans, Education, and Power. Ed. Dina C. Maramba and Rick Bonus. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A.G. “Building a Community Center: Filipinas/os in the Excelsior Neighborhood of San Francisco.” Asian America: Forming New Communities, Expanding Boundaries. Ed. Huping Ling.